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Kennst jemand Zitate aus der Serie. Egal ob Englisch oder Deutsch?
You are not a Monster, you are a Werewolf, like me.
You were never an Alpha Peter, but you were always a Monster.
Be your own Anchor - Melissa Mccall
I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense. - Stiles Stilinski
Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human. - Stiles Stilinski
We train our sons to be soldiers and our daugthers to be Leaders. - Chris Argent
It's okay. It's perfekt. I'm in the Arms of my first love. The first Person i ever loved. The Person I'll always love. - Allison Argent
I fell in a hole - Liam Dunbar
We protect those, who cannot protect themselves. - Allison Argent
Once is an accident. Twice is a concidence. Three Times is a pattern. - Sheriff Stilinski
I'm just not a big Fan of small spaces. - Isaac Lahey
➼,,Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in light."➼SS
Stiles: Anyway, long story short, I basically, you know, had to save his life.
Derek: That's not how it happened.
Stiles: Yeah, I may have left out a detail, but that's the gist of what happened. That's the essential essence of it.
Derek: You couldn't walk.
Stiles: I was limping.
Derek: You couldn't walk, and I know that because I was carrying you.
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