Teen Wolf News is a service of the Official Teen Wolf Wiki providing weekly Teen Wolf video updates about MTV's Teen Wolf, the upcoming Teen Wolf: The Movie (January 26, 2023), the actors involved and Behind the Scenes information about the production.
Latest Teen Wolf News
Zeus is Real in the Teen Wolf Universe
In the season three episode Visionary, Gerard Argent explains the ancient origin of werewolves in the Teen Wolf universe.
Lycaon didn’t just refuse to honor the gods, he challenged them. He invited Zeus to a banquet and then tried to serve him the flesh of a human being.
Zeus blew the place apart with lightning bolts and then punished Lycaon and his sons by turning them into wolves.
Gerard Argent
Yes, Gerard is an unreliable narrator. But he did not write the book shown in the episode about the dru…
Exclusive Jeff Davis[]
History (2012-2017)[]
Started in 2012 by OTWW Administrator Paul V. Rea, Teen Wolf News was the first source to report on Gage Golightly's exit from the show after Season 2 and published the first picture of the Nogitsune during Season 3 production.
In February 2015, Teen Wolf News launched a stand-alone website at teenwolfnews.com while still providing weekly updates at The Official Teen Wolf Wiki.
In July 2015, Teen Wolf News reported live from San Diego Comic-Con interviewing series creator Jeff Davis with fan questions about show canon.
In October 2016 TWN reported live from the Teen Wolf Set and a location in downtown Los Angeles as Teen Wolf began filming the second half of Season 6.
In early 2017, Teen Wolf News revealed plans to bring Colton Haynes, Dylan O'Brien, and Tyler Hoechlin back to the show.
Shortly after the show ended, Teen Wolf News ceased regular operations.
2020 Revival and Current Operations[]
After an absence of three years, Teen Wolf News returned to regular updates via YouTube in the spring of 2020. Mainly driven by nostalgia generated by the show's 10th anniversary, interest in Teen Wolf ran high throughout that spring and summer.
In December 2020, Teen Wolf News was the only source for Jeff Davis' official announcement debunking a number of channels on YouTube that claimed Season 7 was in production.
In June 2021, Teen Wolf News was the first to report that Jeff Davis was once again working with ViacomCBS and MTV Entertainment.
On September 11, 2021, Teen Wolf News exclusively reported on the new deal to make the Teen Wolf: The Movie. Paul V. Rea's exclusive video report came a full two weeks before the official announcement from MTV Entertainment and Paramount Plus on September 24.
Less than a week after the official announcement, Teen Wolf News was first once again with details of the production deal with MGM that gives MTV Entertainment the option for two additional Teen Wolf movies after the first is released in 2022.
On January 19, 2022, Teen Wolf News (via Twitter, Instagram and YouTube) was first in the world to report that Paramount's negotiations with Dylan O'Brien had ended without an agreement for the actor to appear in the Teen Wolf movie. TWN revealed this and other exclusive casting information a full month before Paramount Plus released their first, partial cast list.
In another exclusive report on February 21, 2022, Paul V. Rea confirmed that Tyler Hoechlin would reprise his role as Derek Hale in the film. In addition to acting, Hoechlin is one of the producers of the project.
Teen Wolf News Archive[]
You'll find all the past text reports in the Teen Wolf News Archive.
New Teen Wolf Videos are posted each week on the videos page.