Teen Wolf Wiki

A few days ago, I saw a comment on one of the pages asking if Erica could be brought back using the same ritual that was used for Peter.

Other shows do it.

The Vampire Diaries has seemingly brought back every character in some way. Some have come back multiple times thanks to a nifty little ring or other contrivance.

Charmed brought back the sisters almost every time. Prue did die but Shannen Doherty killed her and you can't resurrect from "Death by Shannen Doherty".

Buffy did it too but is perhaps most famous for letting their characters stay dead and allowing the other characters to deal with the consequences.

This desire to pull out the moonlight and wolfsbane and save Erica got me curious about what you all have to say about cheating death in supernatural shows.

For me, reviving a character makes death seem irrelevant.

When you've killed and brought back just about every character as with TVD and Charmed (seriously the sisters died at least 5 times each!) does dying mean anything at all?

So far on Teen Wolf only a single character has been brought back, under extreme conditions, yet people now think every werewolf that dies can just be resurrected immediately after.

But, what do you all think?

Has the death of supernaturals lost its sting?
